
What is the perfect harmony with a setting sun and a desolate field extending to the horizon as the backdrop? One of them must be something sacred yet blasphemous. Then the flamboyant fire devouring the only hope upon the barren and the declining (yet emitting such a glaring glow) is relentless, celebratory, yet unambiguously the…

The phonograph

It’s not easy to be reclusive. Retiring from the external world is often not so much a genuine severance from the mundane as a  temporal retreat from the seemingly unbearable and invincible. It’s like a phonograph within an entirely pink ambience. Surreality sings. The fences and walls we build are mere hallucinations, hiding ourselves from…

The macula

A fallen angel always evokes melancholy in a sheer scale. However glorious was the past, however fragile and broken is the present, there’s always the higher power, the macula, dictating the eternal watch. The undying surveillance. Relentless and indifferent, the watch is upon everyone. Be it almighty or ordinary, everything succumbs under the incessant and…

The bush

To many (Yoruba for instance), the three-dimensional world has yet another three dimensions in existence: the world of ancestors, the world of living, and the world of unborn. The first one marks the spirituality, the second reality, and the last one “the bush”. Why the bush? It’s the faithful rendition of the pristine wilderness and…


Contrary to the usual style of colliding symbols and manifestations of my renditions, this work is overtly unambiguous—the flute in the right hand of the protagonist (an unisexual figure that can be anyone upon this good old earth), the cross, the flame, the gold, and ultimately (and highly welcomed) pedestrian rain, devouring and cleansing all…

The iridescent

What happens when our id and superego win the day? It is precarious to be stretched thin and indifferent in the modern world, losing track of what’s true or genuine, losing the used to be omnipresent ego. An iridescent portal up high is an opportunity that is so vast and expansive to rediscover the good…

La pelouse

“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.” ——Saint Paul Corinthians 13:12, ESV In seeking the duality of space-time continuum and discontinuity, rediscovered old topics often radiate unexpectedly novel light.  Gone astray is…

La Lutte

It’s often curious when we, a species so immersed in high carnival, embark upon journeys of seeking the ultimate answer. The answer is there, deep hidden beneath the daunting and precarious dark blue sea, a relentless and furious entity devouring all earthly desires, fates, and beings. Many would feel the reassuring comfort of home and…